Dla kogo | Polski Eko Chmiel

Recipients of the company

- Long-term contracting of hops and assistance in the development of plantations.
- The most modern hop construction.
- Bioremediation of existing plantations without production interruptions.
- Plantation irrigation, fertilization and monitoring technologies.

Technology of the construction of the most modern hops in the world with the use of a completely new supporting structure based on composite poles and the use of an automatic system for monitoring natural parameters, which will assist the grower in managing the cultivation. The entire production will be carried out in accordance with strictly defined procedures ensuring the highest quality of the product, and the plantation monitoring system allows you to control the cultivation during the growing season and prevent the development of natural hazards such as various pathogens. Or, we can bioremediate contaminated land and enable growers to produce pure hops. You can find an offer for a system of composite hop structures here.


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